Games of being found and reunion can comfort all children.
Alleviating Children’s Money Worries
The recession is a grown-up problem, but kids may be having money-related concerns of their own. Here’s how to calm their fears.
Can My Child Handle Sleep Away Camp?
Parents wonder if preteens will experience separation anxiety at sleep away camp. Learn how to tell if yours is ready, and then ease the transition.
When Kids Worry About Being Perfect
We want our children to do well—but we also want them to enjoy being kids. How do we help them strike a balance?
Dealing with Adoptee Fears of Loss
Do adoptees who’ve already experienced the loss of birth parents worry more than other kids about their parents dying?
Minimizing Placement Trauma
Pre-adolescents have special needs in a foster care placement. Our expert provides tips on how to make the transition to an adoptive home a little easier.
Mommy, Where Did I Come From?
Many adoptive parents mistake talking about the culture or place their child is from is enough. Learn why talking about birth parents matters.
Different, Yet the Same
Playmates and mentors can help children find common ground.
Revealing Painful Adoption Details
Children need to know their full stories before the teen years. Why, and how, to explain troubling information.
Birth Parent Fantasies
Your child’s birth mother looms large in her imagination now. What’s your grade-schooler really thinking?
Birth Parent Fantasies — and Fears
An adopted child may imagine life with her birth parents as “the road not taken.” Parents should share what they know and support exploration.
Kids May Worry About Their Birth Parents After a Natural Disaster
Here’s how to help your child regain her sense of security when current events trigger hidden fears.
Developing a Body Image
“I wonder what I’ll look like when I”m grown.”
Friends Like Me: The Value of Adoptee Peer Groups
Want to do something wonderful for your grade-schooler? Hook her up with other kids who were adopted.
When Kids Find Mom Embarrassing
No matter what you do, your preteen is mortified by your presence. What’s going on?
A Death in the Family
As children get older, they come to understand that everyone experiences loss.
As Friendships Evolve
Sometimes growing up means letting go of childhood friends.
Peers, Pressure, and Popularity
“Come on, everyone else is doing it.”
The Indulged Child
We want the best for our children — and sometimes that means saying no.
The Fantasy Parent
Ever heard, “My real mother wouldn’t make me do that”? Don’t despair. All kids, adopted or not, conjure a fantasy parent from time to time.