Search Results: November/December 2008

Praying While Waiting for Adoption

“Memory Givers”

As parents, we shape the memories our children will carry through their lives. What a delightful, and intimidating, prospect!

helping adopted children adjust

“The Dog Who Came to Stay”

"Moments after bringing our new puppy home, I understood that raising this dog would begin to create a history for our new daughter, would lodge her firmly within our family. A family pet conjures notions of family ties, of belonging."

Adoption Experts answer your questions.

Ask AF: Insecure About a Sibling

We're adopting a second child, and we worry that our daughter's insecurity will lead her to compete with a new sibling. Any advice?

Individuation in Adopted Preteens

Mortifying Moms

You used to be the coolest mom on the block–at least in the mind of your kid. Now she rolls her eyes at everything you do. What's up?

Jaxon, whose parents decided on adopting a child from foster care

A Child to Love

The path to adopting a child for many involves becoming a foster parent first. Learn about the risks, rewards, and responsibilities of caring for children in the U.S. foster care system.

A mother and her two sons on their "adoption anniversary"

“Eli’s First Year Home”

When I adopted an older child, I was prepared to teach him what it means to have a family. Instead, I found myself with a little boy in deep mourning for the loss of his loving foster parents.

The Joy of Family Traditions

[Book Review] The Joy of Family Traditions

Like many women, Jennifer Trainer Thompson had always been drawn to family traditions, but it was becoming a mother—to her biological son, and to her daughter, adopted from Guatemala—that led her to search for customs to incorporate into her family's life.
