[Book Review] Raising Nuestros Niños: Bringing Up Latino Children in a Bicultural World

Beth Hall reviews, Raising Nuestros Niños: Bringing Up Latino Children in a Bicultural World, a resource for parenting to preserve cultural traditions and values.

Raising Nuestros Niños: Bringing Up Latino Children in a Bicultural World cover

Touchstone; 1999

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Focusing on the needs and issues of children from birth to age twelve, Raising Nuestros Niños offers a wide range of information, from basic parenting issues to an overview of Latino culture. The cultural section includes practical tips for everyday life, such as recipes for cooking Latino food and outlines for creating a Quinceañera, the traditional rite of passage for 15-year-old girls. The author is a Latina mother and child psychologist whose approach to parenting is rooted in her own culture. Singles and gays should be prepared: there is a long section on the importance of marriage to children.

Reviewed by Beth Hall, co-director of Pact, An Adoption Alliance.

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