The Expectant Mom Match

Adoptive Families readers share the why and how the expectant mom selected them in their domestic adoptions.

Expectant Mom Match

On our Facebook page , we asked readers, If you adopted a newborn domestically, do you know why your child’s birth mother or birth family selected you? Here’s what you said:

“In our paperwork, I wrote that our child would always know who her birth mom is and how much she loved her. Our daughter’s birth mother said she chose us because of that.” —KARI

“Our second child’s birth mother chose us because she wanted her son to grow up in a family with an older sibling of the same racial makeup.” —CARLY

“I selected my daughter’s family because I could not deny that it felt ‘right.’ I tried to avoid the instant peace I felt and continue searching, but I kept coming back to them. My heart would not let me forget that this was her family.” —“ADOPTION: SHARE THE LOVE”

“Our son’s birth parents liked that we included a handwritten letter with our photo book, rather than just including the letter as a page in the book. They also wanted to choose a childless couple, because then they would know they were helping a dream come true.” —HEIDI

“Our son’s birth mom picked us because we had a room ready, we had a Betta fish, and there are lots of kids in our neighborhood. Our daughter’s birth mom chose us because she thought our son sounded smart and cute. (He is.)” —ROBYN

“She liked the fact that we were a little older and truly ready to be parents, and that we were interested in an open adoption.” —STACY

“Our daughter’s birth mom chose us because we were high school sweethearts and had been together for 15 years, and both of our parents are still married. She wanted to give her baby the kind of stability she never had.” —REGINA

“We love the outdoors and we love to travel, both of which are very important to her. She said she just loved our profile and our story, and felt connected.” —LEAH

“I had placed a child for adoption when I was younger, and she felt I wouldn’t judge her for this reason.” —KRIS

“A mutual love of Harry Potter! And through our open adoption, we have discovered so many more similarities between our families.” —CHRISTA

“I thought we’d never be matched, because we were so young, but our child’s birth mother said that, after looking at a lot of older couples’ profiles, she was drawn to us because we’re closer to her in age. She also said that it looked like we were always out doing different things and having fun in our photos.” —“UNTIL FOREVER”

“The birth mother of our first child wanted her son to be raised by two parents of our faith who spoke Spanish and English. Our second child’s birth mother wanted her daughter to have a sibling close in age.” —LIZ

“Our son’s birth parents chose us because we have a Dalmatian, and they’d always wanted one. Also, because of our professions (we’re a nurse and a fire fighter).” —SHANNON

“Our daughter’s birth parents were already parenting and couldn’t provide for another child. They asked our agency to choose the childless couple that had been waiting the longest. I am still so thankful.” —NICHOLE

“They said they ‘just liked us’—they both grew up on a lake and we have a family cabin, they liked that we have pets.” —RACHEL

“Our attorney told our child’s birth mother that one of the five profiles she was considering had had a failed match. She asked if she was serious about the adoption plan, otherwise she’d remove that profile. Our child’s birth mother narrowed it down between us and another couple, then asked our attorney if one of the couples was the one that had the failed match. When our attorney told her that we were, she said, ‘Then I choose them.’ It still brings tears to my eyes.” —ALLISON

“After worrying we wouldn’t be chosen because my husband had three children already, we were chosen by an expectant mom and her mother who thought my husband looks like a good dad.” —ELLEN


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