Talking about racism makes most of us uncomfortable. Still, parents of transracially adopted children should resist the urge not to talk. Here's how.
“The Wrong Kind of Asian”
I have confused and disappointed many people in my lifetime because I don't look or behave the way they think an Asian ought to look or behave.
Adoption Leave: Your Legal Rights
All about the Federal Family Medical and Leave Act: Who is eligible, what protections are provided, and how you can secure your leave.
“Having ‘the Talk’ with My Black Son”
It's not easy to teach your child that people may fear him because of the color of his skin—but it's something parents through transracial adoption must do.
When Therapy Is in Order
Sometimes, a teen's behavior calls for outside help. What to watch for and how to find the right adoption therapist.
Surviving Infertility
What it's normal to feel, even after you adopt and fall in love with your child.
Ask AF: Age-Appropriate Adoption Books
Answers to your parenting questions.
Ask AF: When Only Negative Details Are Known
Answers to your parenting questions.
Ask AF: Explaining Poverty
Answers to your parenting questions.
Our Family Adoption Story
Preschoolers love hearing about their adoption when it's told as a narrative designed to inform and comfort.
Bonding While You Work
Adoptive Families readers received, on average, 9.6 weeks of leave from work. Here’s how to make an informed childcare decision, and keep the transition from disrupting your bond.
“Looking Different, Dressing Alike”
When we stepped into the next parking lot, she took my hand again. “It’s good we’re wearing our shoes,” she said. “We match. That way, people know we belong together.”
“How I Feel About Using Donor Eggs”
I have talked with many people who have adopted or used donor eggs or sperm, and they all say the same thing: “It doesn’t matter at all! This is our child one thousand percent.”
AF Picks: Best Adoption Blogs
We scoured the blogosphere for the most funny, heartwarming, honest online reads. Our congratulations to these 18 outstanding picks!
“Everything Counts”
When you're waiting to adopt, you count each day that passes. But how should I count my daughter-to-be, who is already a part of me?
Ask AF: Fear of Bath Time
Answers to your parenting questions.
Is Culture Camp for Us?
What will my child learn and talk about at camp? What would our family take away from a week attending together?